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Stylux Limited

Stylux Limited

Stylux is the latest brand established by Anson Pun, Founder of Fresh Reform. With the aim of digitising traditional Spanish leather goods restoration experience, customers can now receive quote, place order and track progress readily and comfortably through the mobile app.

Anson founded “Fresh Reform” in 2008, as the first Leather Goods restoration service provider to the Luxury Brand. The new concept was received with instant recognition from the corporate and retail clients with wide media exposure. Anson has been a regular guest speaker on TV, Newspaper and Radio to share his industry knowledge on leather care.

Uniquely position from old master shop, Stylux’s restoration craftsmanship operates with stringent process control and quality assurance procedures and have gained major Luxury Brands as contracted leather care workshops in Hong Kong. The wide recognition and confidence from the marketplace give testimony and confidence to all our customers.

The Luxury Market in China begins to plateau after economy boom cycle. With the gradual decline of the demand of luxury retail market, consumers have also transformed their consumption pattern with stronger desire of repair and restoration. Global Luxury Brands are placing more emphasis on after-sales services on leather care, repair and restoration for their loyal followers. Stylux, a new brand, complementing with smartphone apps and door to door services, has catered to the new trend of this market.



合资格消费 K Dollar 奖赏
HK1,000或以上 10
HK2,000或以上 20
HK3,000或以上 30
HK5,000或以上 50
HK8,000或以上 100
葵涌华星街7号美华工业大厦4/F D室

赚取 K Dollar 

  1. K Dollar 奖赏计划会员须于付款时输入本人之有效电子会员卡号码方可赚取 K Dollar。完成交易后, 恕不接纳任何于交易后补领积分的要求。
  2. K Dollar 赚取方式及每笔交易之奖赏限制如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。
  3. 每笔交易只有一名会员可赚取K Dollar。
  4. 会员获得领取K Dollar之二维码后,应妥善保管及尽快于有效期内凭二维码领取奖赏,如逾期、遗失、被窃或毁损,恕不补发。
  5. 相关 K Dollar 将于扫瞄二维码后2天内存入你的会员帐户。
  6. Stylux Limited保留更改有关优惠条款及细则之权利。如有任何争议,MPNCL及Stylux Limited保留最终决定权。
  7. 本条款及条件的中文版本仅供参考。如英语版本与中文版本之间有任何差异,应以英语版本为准。须受其他 K Dollar 奖赏计划条款及细则约束。

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